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  • Melissa Sorokolit

The Canvas of a Writer, a Look into the Watercolour Poetic Works of Linsey Tombler

The nature of watercolour mixed with a delicate stitching of words, brings out Linsey Tombler's new poetic form of emotion.

About the Artwork: Linsey Tombler R. first became very drawn to watercolour painting with print on it as a new medium. She had always been a writer, and it seemed like a new way to expose poetry

In these pieces, softness is incorporated in the watercolours, but also some more impactful colours, with vibrant blues on paler background, and more intense purples.

The artist was inspired by natural scenes in these pieces, like the impression of raindrops on canvas. If you’ve ever seen Lake Ontario on a cloudy day, it has so many different shades of blue and green. Or a cloudy sunrise that looks softly blue and bright orange at the same time.

The poems really come from something deeper inside all of us. Some of them were already planned; words that couldn’t be say out loud, so they were glued to canvas instead.

Some of them weren’t planned, and only found when the artist was looking for after hours of pouring over newspapers, trying to make sense of a journalist’s jargon.

There’s something very soothing and calming with stitching together words that are not your own and forging them into something born inside of you. These watercolours can be so happy and so morose. They can get in touch with daily lives between nature and emotion, the emotions that we all feel in our daily lives.

Artist Biography:

Enrolled at Ryerson University for journalism, Linsey had originally planned on entering the English program.Linsey Tombler R. was born in Ottawa, but always drawn to the big, fun city of Toronto. She is currently on her way to Denmark for an exchange program to learn more about political journalism, and wants to continue to travel as much as possible.A self-proclaimed angry feminist and proud, Linsey loves cheesecake more than any other food in the world. And as screenplay writer Baz Luhrmann once wrote in Moulin Rouge!, “Above all else, I believe in love.”

Artist Media Links:


Instagram: LinseyTombs

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